The term mixed-use development is applied to any development, from multiple buildings to a single building, that combines at least three significant revenue producing uses with physical or functional integration. A growing demand in the commercial real estate (CRE) market is to combine residential, retail and office space. Of the three areas the most work, early on, goes into attracting retail shops. These act as your border edge pieces in the puzzle and help set the size and scope of the amenities offered in the development.
Now that the pieces are narrowed down to just those with a border edge it's time for the next step, finding those that have a chance of fitting together. Knowing roughly what the future users will need provides a starting point for narrowing down the targeted retail types. Example, your puzzle has a red boarder so focus on red pieces. This approach will limit the amount of time spent working with the wrong candidates. Within the current trend identifying what the residents and workers will need covers the area's main user group. As an example with this trend users will need:
- Restaurants
- Coffee Shop
- Bars and Bistros
- Grocery Store
- Bank
Once these pieces are identified you can move on to how specific ones will fit together.

Retail amenities offered on site can be a driving factor for companies and residents to move in to the development. By establishing this area the mixed-use development can gain traction and increase its opportunity to succeed. Block Real Estate Services, LLC (BRES) is close to breaking ground on the mixed use development CityPlace in Overland Park, Kansas. For more information about the CityPlace development contact us or visit CityPlace for more information.
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