Leaders at the National Multi-Housing Council (NMHC) discuss the year to come. Block Funds makes first apartment purchase; seeks to acquire 1,500 units in 2013.
Leaders in the apartment business from across the United States and Canada met last week in Palm Springs, California to discuss the state of the industry and economy as well as trends in apartment operations, development and investment. The meeting included a conversation with Earvin “Magic” Johnson about his experience as an entrepreneur in many urban communities. When asked about his approach, Johnson said, “You prepare so much when you are an athlete. I took preparation from basketball into the board room.”

Another highlight of the meeting included a discussion between NMHC Chairman Tom Bozzuto, Senator Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, former co-chairs of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. The pair pointed to five major causes of the US debt crisis, including healthcare, defense, social security, an inefficient tax code and compounding interest on existing debt. Bowles called the issue “the most avoidable economic crisis in history,” but pointed out that, “the problem is real and the solutions are painful.”